Kittens meowing is a way of interacting with others. They meow for various reasons, including greetings, requests, and informing us of something wrong. Meowing is an unusual vocalization in that mature kittens do not meow at each other, only at people.
Kittens meow to alert their mothers when cold or hungry, but kittens no longer meow to other kittens once they reach a certain age. However, they continue to meow at humans throughout their lives, most likely because it gets others to do what they want.
Kittens also yowl, similar to meowing but long drawn out and melodious. Unlike kittens, adult kittens yowl at one another, especially during the breeding season.
When does excessive meowing become excessive? That’s a difficult decision to make since it’s a personal one. To some extent, all kittens will meow—typical communication behavior.
However, according to kitten health care centers, some kittens meow more than their owners would prefer. Remember that some kitten breeds, particularly Siamese, are prone to excessive meowing and yowling.
Why Is Kitten Meow Essential?
- You should expect the kitten to meow in greeting when you get home when she joins you in the house, and when you speak to her.
- Kittens like social connections with humans and can be rather vocal in their demands for attention. The kitten may prefer to be rubbed, played with, or talked to. Kittens left alone for long periods every day may meow for attention.
- In recent studies, kitten health care says most kittens enjoy eating and can be pretty demanding at mealtimes. Some kittens learn to meow whenever somebody enters the kitchen, just in case food is around. Others meow for you to get up and offer them food. Meowing teaches kittens to beg for human food.
- Meowing is the kitten’s primary method of communicating with you. She’ll probably learn to meow at the door if she wants to go outside. Similarly, if she’s out and wants in, she’ll meow for you to allow her in. If you’re trying to transfer a kitten from indoor-outdoor living to live entirely indoors, be prepared for a time of constant meowing at doors and windows. This is a difficult transition for a kitten, and the meowing will likely continue for weeks or months.
- Patients suffering from mental disorientation or cognitive dysfunction may meow if they become confused, a common symptom of this feline form of Alzheimer’s disease. Please see our article on behavior issues in older kittens for additional details.
- Reproductively intact Kittens are more inclined to yowl. Males yowl to access females, and females yowl to announce their receptivity to males.
Few Tips By Kitten Health Care Experts For Making Your Cat Less Noisy
- If your cat meows to greet you, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make much of a difference if you have a particularly talkative cat telling you how happy she is to see you!
- It’s always recommended by kitten health care experts that you teach your cat that if she meows for attention, you will only pay attention to her when she is silent. Resist the impulse to yell at or pay her any attention, including furious concentration. Be patient and wait for a small moment of silence instead. Give her the attention she craves right away. If she begins to meow again, walk away and return to her only after she is silent. She will notice if you are consistent.
- If you suspect your cat is crying out of loneliness because you spend too much time away from home, consider hiring a pet sitter to visit and play with her throughout the day.
- Stop feeding your cat when she cries if she meows for food! Feed her at predetermined intervals so she learns that asking for food at other times is fruitless. If it doesn’t work, invest in an automatic feeder that you can program to open at predetermined periods. At the very least, she’ll be more inclined to meow at the feeder than at you!
- If you’ve recently started your cat on a diet, talk to your vet about high-fiber foods or supplements that can help her feel satisfied with her reduced intake.
- If your cat isn’t prone to gaining weight, always have dry food available so she never goes hungry. If you feed your cat high-fiber diet food, he will feel full without consuming too many calories. Before attempting this, consult with your veterinarian.
- If your cat is always meowing for you to allow her in/out, try installing a cat door so you don’t have to be her butler. The ASPCA recommended keeping cats inside to safeguard them from danger and disease. Most kitten health care experts say that If you have a cat used to going outside and want to keep her inside, she will most likely meow at doors and windows. There is no easy way out, but if she never goes outdoors again, she will finally acclimate to her indoor life and cease meowing so much. Another alternative is to construct an outside cat enclosure, allowing her to spend time outside while being safe.